To achieve our goal of hiring the world’s best engineering talent, we’ve prepared the following information about our hiring process so you know how to prepare so you can perform at your best.
Code Test using Codility
There are certain engineering positions for which we will ask you to take a code test early in the application process using an external platform called Codility. You will have two hours to complete two to four questions during this test. The number and content of the questions depend on the role. We strongly recommend reading the FAQ page prepared by Codility carefully so that you know what to expect before you begin!
Tools for Online Interviews
For interviews conducted online, your interviewer(s) may use one or more of the following tools to facilitate the interview. You may want to take a look and explore how each tool works before the interview.
AwwApp / Miro / Google Slides / CoderPad
Structured Interviews
SmartNews uses structured interviews to evaluate engineering candidates. We ask you standardized questions and assess your answers against a scoring system. In addition to providing a consistent interview experience for all candidates, using structured interviews also helps us reduce potential bias during the interview and evaluate candidates’ performance more accurately.
Engineering Interview Tracks
We organize the content of our interviews into individual modules called tracks. Each track is designed to assess a specific knowledge or skill set. Each track is approximately 45-60 minutes in length, and there are typically two interviews per round. You can find more information about our engineering tracks and tips on how best to prepare below.